How To Use A Crystal Pendulum For Balancing Chakras

Crystal pendulums significantly reduced the time I use to spend in balancing my Chakras. In this blog I share the technique that anyone can adopt to keep their subtle energy centers in balance without spending too much time.

In recent years, Chakra balancing as a healing modality has gained significant popularity among the new age group. With its origins in Tantric traditions, Chakra balancing is considered as a very powerful method to remove spiritual and physical blockages. In my blog “Imbalances of Chakras: My Experience” I have narrated my life changing personal experience with Chakra healing.

Until few months back I use to spend more than an hour a day for balancing my Chakra system through meditation or Reiki. After a couple of weeks of doing this, I started to wonder if there was a more efficient method of energy healing. It was during my classes for Angel Therapy that I came across pendulum as an efficient tool for my healing regimes. Now, it has been three months since I first started using pendulum and I feel blessed to have come across such a friendly tool of divination. In this blog I am sharing my own methodology for using Crystal Pendulum as healing tool.

What is a Pendulum?

Image Source:

A pendulum is a symmetrically conical object that hangs from a cord or a chain. Pendulums have been a common tool of divination due to its inherent nature of easily being able to pick energy fluctuations around places or people. Its ability to instantly connect to subtle energy makes it a favorite tool within the intuitive sciences. Its quick reactions towards human intuition makes it a tool best suited for people who wish to practice energy healing without spending too much time in the processes.

I use this method on weekly basis for tackling minor energy blockages. However, I take help of Angels for resolving major energy constrictions.

Why “Crystal” Pendulum?

Image Source: Ravens Crystals

Although one can use a pendulum made up of any heavy material, however I prefer the ones made of crystals. My preference for Crystal Pendulum is based on the strong healing powers of crystals. Part of the mineral kingdom since 4.6 billion years, Crystals have been used for spiritual healing since hundreds of years.

These seemingly inert pieces of rock have surprising ability to form a quick bond to connect to human intuition to offer healing and guidance. Used as a pendulum, they become a highly effective tool for healing.

Type of Crystal Pendulum

Image Source: Inkfrog

There are a number of crystal pendulums available online and in the market. While I ordered my 7 Chakra Healing Pendulum from, you may choose to buy any kind of crystal from a retailer of your choice.

It is important that while buying a crystal pendulum the chain connected to the base of the pendulum is attached to its center. I once came across a pendulum which had the chain connected a bit off from the centre and as a result the pendulum swung lopsided. This can affect the movement of energy during the healing process. So take care.

Working Principle

Crystal pendulums work through the strength of your intuition. Any kind of unresolved emotion or bias will negatively impact the natural flow of your intuition. This will be quickly picked upon by your crystal pendulum in the form of wrong movement. Therefore, it is pertinent that while using a pendulum one must balance their emotional state in order to get an accurate reading. This can be done by using any relaxing or grounding method.

Ground Yourself

In order to clear my mind, I practice a Pranayama based breathing exercise called the 4-7-8 technique. Here you take a deep inhale lasting for 4 seconds, then you hold your breath for 7 seconds, and finally release your breath on a count of 8. You may do this for 5 to 7 rounds to achieve a state of complete equanimity.

Charging your Crystal Pendulum

Image Source: wikiHow

Once you have bought your crystal pendulum, you need to first charge it and then connect with it. Crystals being sensitive to even subtlest of energy can end up depleting their strength if not reinvigorated regularly. Like Superman, negative thoughts act like kryptonite on crystals and positive thoughts act like the Sun.

A simple method to charge your crystal is to dip it in a glass with salted water for 10-15 minutes. You may choose to place the glass in the sun or under the full moon to further amplify its energy.

Another method is to keep it under the fumes of camphor or sage leaves.

Programming your Crystal Pendulum

Programming of your pendulum is pertinent in order to synchronize your vibes with that of your pendulum. There are a number of programming techniques one can easily find over the internet; however I have outlined the method I use with every pendulum and crystal that I use.

  1. Hold your crystal pendulum between the palms of your hands and bring it near your heart. Look at it with an eye of admiration, respect and love and then set an intention that you will use this pendulum for betterment of self and humanity. At this moment some people intuitively get a name for their crystal pendulum. Like my intuition decided to call my pendulum as “Gyaneshwar” i.e. the knowledgeable one.

    My Pendulum, Gyaneshwar
  2. Hold the chain of the pendulum around 3 inches above the base with your thumb and index finger. For better stability, one should rest the elbow either on other hand or an armrest.
  3. Traditionally forward swing represents “Yes” and sideways as “No”. However, intuition works relatively, therefore one should rather find out their intuitive Yes and No. I do this by simply asking, “Please give me my Yes” and it will respond to you by moving either sideways or back and forth. You should do the same with “No”. Note! You may not get an immediate response, so don’t feel disheartened and keep focusing on the pendulum, repetitively asking it for communication.
  4. Once you have identified your “yes” and “no”, you can move ahead to instruct it to move “clockwise” or “counter-clockwise”. Here you can play with it by quickly changing your instructions. This can be quiet fun for starters.

Pendulum for Balancing Chakras

Chakras are basically subtle energy centres moving in circular motion that are present across our entire body. There are primarily 7 such main Chakras, running from the base of the spine, up towards the centre of the skull. Each has its own set of colour, physical, emotional and spiritual association. A healthy Chakra flow is usually in clock-wise direction and unhealthy one is recognized by anti-clockwise flow.

Steps to Balance your Chakras

  1. Sit on a chair or on the ground. Keep your pendulum in front of your Root Chakra and ask the pendulum “Is my root chakra blocked?” If it says “yes” then instruct the pendulum to move in counter-clockwise direction for releasing the blockages. After doing it for 2-4 minutes instruct it to “stop”. And then tell the pendulum to move in clockwise direction for restoring back the healthy flow for another 2-4 minutes.
  2. Progressively move upwards till you reach crown chakra.
  3. In areas of deep blockage, the Pendulum will start moving anti-clockwise without any instructions. Allow it to happen.
  4. Incase of balanced Chakras , you may choose to simply energize the Chakra by having the pendulum swing in Clockwise direction or skip the step entirely.
  5. Once you have finished balancing all your Chakras, keep the pendulum next to your heart and thank it for the service it has provided you and safely keep it in a box or a case.

Have Fun!

For beginners in the field of holistic healing, Crystal pendulum are great eye-openers to the realm of energy healing. Their sensitivity to human intuition makes them a great tool of divination and healing. I would love to hear from all those who make use of the information presented here.

Love and light to all!

Imbalances of Chakras: My Experience

How Chakra healing has changed my mind, body and soul. I have inserted a descriptive chart for basic overview about Chakra for all those who wish to get a quick and basic understanding about Chakras.

Spiritual Flu

I am currently experiencing a “spiritual flu”. Yes there is such a thing! Infact a lot many people who are going through the ascension process (more on this in future blog post) are experiencing it. It is physical reaction happening as a result of shift to higher spiritual energy. It would be wrong to call it “sickness” because it is infact a “cleansing”.

For a over a week now I have been regularly doing Chakra healing and have been connected with my Archangels for the purpose of deep cleansing. In addition to the wonderful “coincidences” that have been happening to me lately, I am feeling my body’s natural cleansing system to have become more active than ever before. Just 2 days back, while I was coming back from Delhi, I was very hungry and stopped by at a Eatery to pick up a snack for myself. After eating it with a cup of tea, I soon felt a rush of energy in my stomach and lo and behold, my bowels were evacuating the food as quickly as I had initially gulped it (Disgusting I know!).

My Discovery of Chakra Healing

This hasn’t been the first time I have experienced such a reaction to bad eating bouts of mine. Around 7-8 years ago, I had developed extreme case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). My allopathic Doctor had suggested me a regular dose of anti-acidic medicines among others. While talking to me he said in a sweet way, “Oh you sensitive girl!”. I inquired him why he mentioned me as being “sensitive”. He said that IBS is usually an occurrence in people who are sensitive to emotional changes and this manifest in form of irregular stomach movements.

The way my allopath connected IBS to my personality, made me think that if my health issue was a physical manifestation of my emotional sensitivity then I needed to address the source of ill-health i.e. my emotion and not the symptom i.e. IBS. After a week of “symptomatic” treatment, I give up the medicine and embarked a much challenging but important journey to balance myself out emotionally and spiritually.

During my research for discovering a cure for my IBS, I came across the concept of “Chakras” or Wheels. Chakra healing is a very popular methodology to bring about overall healing in human body. The concept of Chakra system has has it’s origins in tantric traditions of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.

Chakras: An Overview

Chakras are basically subtle energy centres moving in circular motion, present across our entire body. There are primarily 7 such main Chakras, running from the base of the spine, up towards the centre of the skull. Each has its own set of colour, physical association, emotional association and spiritual association. A healthy Chakra flow is usually in clock-wise direction and unhealthy one us recognised by anti-clockwise flow.

Any imbalance in our mind, body or spirit (I’ll call it the “divine trio”) is registered in these Chakras. Any emotional damage done during the formative years of these Chakras (From 5 month in the womb till 7 years) can make a person imbalanced at all levels of physical, emotional and spiritual development, at a very deep level.

7 Chakra descriptive Chart
7 Chakras: A tabular decription

My Experience with an imbalanced Sacral Chakra: To make you understand better, I am giving you my own example. Most of the imbalances in my DIVINE TRIO has been due to imbalanced flow in my Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthan. This Chakra is located two finger gap below the navel and the gift of this Chakra is to experience our lives through feelings and sensations. It allows you to let go, to move on and to feel change in a happy and joyful manner.

The Challenge of a imbalanced Sacral Chakra comes from social conditioning in our surrounding. When our feelings are not valued and our passions and valid emotional reactions are frowned upon, we are punished to bring them under control. As a result we get disconnected from our body, our emotions.

Having been a highly sensitive and spiritually driven child, I had suppressed most of my emotional reactions and kept them to myself. My intellect was a source of ego hastle to my peers. I often found myself misunderstood and alone. I could never connect to the materialistic joys of life as a child and as a youngster. Most of my reactions were drivenThis manifested as an imbalanced Sacral Chakra and I developed problems such as IBS among other stomach issues.

However, after visiting my allopath 8 years back, I was shown a path to holistic healing of my troubles. After doing some Chakra specific meditation, mantras and colour therapy, I have been able to balance my Sacral Chakra to a very good extent. Still, some work remains to be done. I have a very healthy appetite now, no more of IBS and any stomach problem. I have become more expressive, however I still face challenges at times with my true expression. But my healing is still on.

After having healed my stomach problem, I have made it a regular habit to bring my Chakras into balance. For I truly believe that balanced Chakras are not only way to achieving physical balance but also a means to attain freedom from emotional bondage.

A healthy flow of energy through all our Chakras symbolises uninterrupted access to the Universal Consciousness or Divine. As a brief reference to all, I am also sharing a descriptive chart for all of you to refer to. In future blog posts I shall share in detail different techniques, that I personally follow, of balancing your Chakras.

Until next time. . .

Love and light to all!


Sonder; Everyone,everything has a story waiting to to be understood,if not told.


"Everything alters me, but nothing changes me."


''Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.'' Benjamin Franklin


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