How New Moon & Full Moon Impacts Us?

Across many cultures Moon is worshipped as a symbol of potent esoteric energies. Through it’s dominant phases of Full Moon and New Moon, the nature has given us an opportunity to capitalise from the potent energies of the Moon.

“The Sun see’s your body. The Moon see’s your Soul.” – Unknown

The Moon and it’s subtle beauty always attracted me as a child. Often I would be up on the rooftop gazing at the moon, comforting myself with the thought that like an old acquaintance, the moon just might be looking back at me. Little did I know that along in my spiritual journey the moon would unknowingly make its dominant presence felt as a reminder of our relationship, long established on the lonely roof-top.

With arrival of the New Moon today on 17th March 2018, the day is marked by presence of moon 1 one of the two most common lunar phenomenon, i.e. the full moon and the new moon. A time when the Moon snuggles itself in between the Sun and the Earth, the New Moon is not visible to human eye as it’s visible part faces away from Earth; giving an impression as if it has chosen to suddenly disappear from our lives. On the other hand a Full moon is when the Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon, with the visible part of the Moon shining to all its glory for star-gazers to enjoy.


A monthly astronomical phenomenon, the lunar cycle is not merely a theatrics for us to be entertained with, but it is also a path to achieving some alignment with the cosmos. Based on my personal experiences, the moon has a way of impacting us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually depending on its astronomical progression. Embedded with the divine vibrations, the Moon is a storehouse of energy for seekers of creative powers, manifestations, adaptability, and psychic prowess.

Full Moon: Why it impacts us? 

The lunar energies are at it’s peak during full moon as the gravitational pull between Earth and Moon is most intense. The Moon physically pulls things towards itself, causing a discernible impact on the movement of Pranas (e.g. blood) inside our bodies. This surge in blood flow causes a chemical and vibrational shift in our mental and emotional activities; bringing the hidden subconscious thoughts into the light of the conscious mind.

A feminine energy, the Full Moon is beneficial for gaining deeper insight and awareness of things happening within and outside of self.  A great time for creative folks to benefit from the intense flow of emotions and ideas resulting from the Full Moon.

New Moon: Why it impacts us?

On the other hand, a New Moon or Amavasya, the Moon reflects no light on Earth. The reduced gravitational pull between Earth and Moon, slows down a number of environmental and vibrational process within beings. For this reason in Hindu culture many people keep a fast during new moon to reduce strain on already slow digestive system. It is a time of introspection and calm.

The New Moon is a very raw and masculine energy. Therefore it is most suitable for people who seek to attain liberation through dissolution of Karmic bonds. In my personal experience, New Moon nights are great to dissolve any unresolved, hidden or stubborn emotional wound within self. This is a good time for integration of un-integrated emotional aspects inside a person. Suddenly the absence of light makes you revere the light ever more.

Impact of Full Moon and New Moon

To better help the readers identify and benefit from their behavioural changes as a result of lunar phases, I am enumerating a short list of common shifts that one might notice in their behaviour:

  1. Physical: Restlessness, sleeplessness, lethargy, sudden changes in body temperatures, headaches, increased heartbeat, idiopathic stomach ailments etc.
  2. Emotional and Mental: Anger bouts, irritability, sudden weeping bouts, mental confusion, hyper activity, confusion, extreme happiness etc.
  3. Spiritual: Light-headedness, feeling of floating in air, feeling intense vibrational shifts, intensified intuitive energies, more realistic interactions with higher/lower beings, etc.

Please note, the above mentioned changes are conditional on the predominance of a specific Guna within a person.

Moon Rituals

The nature has given us a wonderful opportunity twice every month, to capitalize on Moon’s energy to advance our journey for enlightenment. In order to make a better utilization of such phases, I am enlisting some easy to follow practices for the seekers:

1. Moon Bathing and Moon Gazing: Suitable during the Full Moon, seeker can moon 2simply sit under the moon light, while gazing at the Moon. One can visualize the Moon light seeping inside from their Crown Chakra and flowing all the way to your feet Chakras. The moon bath is very effective for people seeking emotional and vibrational purification.

2. Writing: In order to release and resolve any confusing emotion, the seeker write down their feelings in a journal or a piece of paper while sitting under the lunar light. Any suppressed emotion, writer’s block, new idea that hasn’t been able to surface out, will come to light through this writing ritual. One can use writing as a tool to also manifest a desire by simply writing it down on paper and burning it while praying for universal support. This activity is suitable during both New and Full Moons.

3. Dancing and singing: Dancing and singing are most handy tools for causing a positive vibrational shift within yourself. And doing so during the dominant lunar phases will help you to further increase the strength of auric body.

4. Charging Crystals: In my experience crystals like Amethyst, Pearl, Diamond and Moldavite are more suitable to be charged during Full Moon. Whereas Rudraksha, Black Agate, Obsidian and Black Tourmaline are suggested to be charged during New Moon nights. After keeping them overnight, preferably in salt water, one can wear it the next day.

5. Connecting to your Angels and Spirit Guides: Lunar phases are great to moon 3strengthen the connect with your Deities and Spirit Guides. The intensification of vibrations around the Earth reduces the vibratory gap between the seeker and higher beings to some level. However, word of caution is that one must be careful of any lower being impacting you. For this reason it is suggested that one must keep a protective stone with themselves, specially during New Moon.

6. Salt and Coffee Baths: To better manage the surge or regression of Lunar energies on self, one should take a salt water bath or coffee bath from a week leading to the lunar phase. Salt and coffee act as natural absorbent of any negative vibratory footprint that might have been left. People can also use Sage and other organic incenses to purify self and the environment.

I sincerely hope this piece of information helps you in your spiritual journey as it has been for me.

For more information or discussion, please feel free to connect with me.

Love and light!

How To Use A Crystal Pendulum For Balancing Chakras

Crystal pendulums significantly reduced the time I use to spend in balancing my Chakras. In this blog I share the technique that anyone can adopt to keep their subtle energy centers in balance without spending too much time.

In recent years, Chakra balancing as a healing modality has gained significant popularity among the new age group. With its origins in Tantric traditions, Chakra balancing is considered as a very powerful method to remove spiritual and physical blockages. In my blog “Imbalances of Chakras: My Experience” I have narrated my life changing personal experience with Chakra healing.

Until few months back I use to spend more than an hour a day for balancing my Chakra system through meditation or Reiki. After a couple of weeks of doing this, I started to wonder if there was a more efficient method of energy healing. It was during my classes for Angel Therapy that I came across pendulum as an efficient tool for my healing regimes. Now, it has been three months since I first started using pendulum and I feel blessed to have come across such a friendly tool of divination. In this blog I am sharing my own methodology for using Crystal Pendulum as healing tool.

What is a Pendulum?

Image Source:

A pendulum is a symmetrically conical object that hangs from a cord or a chain. Pendulums have been a common tool of divination due to its inherent nature of easily being able to pick energy fluctuations around places or people. Its ability to instantly connect to subtle energy makes it a favorite tool within the intuitive sciences. Its quick reactions towards human intuition makes it a tool best suited for people who wish to practice energy healing without spending too much time in the processes.

I use this method on weekly basis for tackling minor energy blockages. However, I take help of Angels for resolving major energy constrictions.

Why “Crystal” Pendulum?

Image Source: Ravens Crystals

Although one can use a pendulum made up of any heavy material, however I prefer the ones made of crystals. My preference for Crystal Pendulum is based on the strong healing powers of crystals. Part of the mineral kingdom since 4.6 billion years, Crystals have been used for spiritual healing since hundreds of years.

These seemingly inert pieces of rock have surprising ability to form a quick bond to connect to human intuition to offer healing and guidance. Used as a pendulum, they become a highly effective tool for healing.

Type of Crystal Pendulum

Image Source: Inkfrog

There are a number of crystal pendulums available online and in the market. While I ordered my 7 Chakra Healing Pendulum from, you may choose to buy any kind of crystal from a retailer of your choice.

It is important that while buying a crystal pendulum the chain connected to the base of the pendulum is attached to its center. I once came across a pendulum which had the chain connected a bit off from the centre and as a result the pendulum swung lopsided. This can affect the movement of energy during the healing process. So take care.

Working Principle

Crystal pendulums work through the strength of your intuition. Any kind of unresolved emotion or bias will negatively impact the natural flow of your intuition. This will be quickly picked upon by your crystal pendulum in the form of wrong movement. Therefore, it is pertinent that while using a pendulum one must balance their emotional state in order to get an accurate reading. This can be done by using any relaxing or grounding method.

Ground Yourself

In order to clear my mind, I practice a Pranayama based breathing exercise called the 4-7-8 technique. Here you take a deep inhale lasting for 4 seconds, then you hold your breath for 7 seconds, and finally release your breath on a count of 8. You may do this for 5 to 7 rounds to achieve a state of complete equanimity.

Charging your Crystal Pendulum

Image Source: wikiHow

Once you have bought your crystal pendulum, you need to first charge it and then connect with it. Crystals being sensitive to even subtlest of energy can end up depleting their strength if not reinvigorated regularly. Like Superman, negative thoughts act like kryptonite on crystals and positive thoughts act like the Sun.

A simple method to charge your crystal is to dip it in a glass with salted water for 10-15 minutes. You may choose to place the glass in the sun or under the full moon to further amplify its energy.

Another method is to keep it under the fumes of camphor or sage leaves.

Programming your Crystal Pendulum

Programming of your pendulum is pertinent in order to synchronize your vibes with that of your pendulum. There are a number of programming techniques one can easily find over the internet; however I have outlined the method I use with every pendulum and crystal that I use.

  1. Hold your crystal pendulum between the palms of your hands and bring it near your heart. Look at it with an eye of admiration, respect and love and then set an intention that you will use this pendulum for betterment of self and humanity. At this moment some people intuitively get a name for their crystal pendulum. Like my intuition decided to call my pendulum as “Gyaneshwar” i.e. the knowledgeable one.

    My Pendulum, Gyaneshwar
  2. Hold the chain of the pendulum around 3 inches above the base with your thumb and index finger. For better stability, one should rest the elbow either on other hand or an armrest.
  3. Traditionally forward swing represents “Yes” and sideways as “No”. However, intuition works relatively, therefore one should rather find out their intuitive Yes and No. I do this by simply asking, “Please give me my Yes” and it will respond to you by moving either sideways or back and forth. You should do the same with “No”. Note! You may not get an immediate response, so don’t feel disheartened and keep focusing on the pendulum, repetitively asking it for communication.
  4. Once you have identified your “yes” and “no”, you can move ahead to instruct it to move “clockwise” or “counter-clockwise”. Here you can play with it by quickly changing your instructions. This can be quiet fun for starters.

Pendulum for Balancing Chakras

Chakras are basically subtle energy centres moving in circular motion that are present across our entire body. There are primarily 7 such main Chakras, running from the base of the spine, up towards the centre of the skull. Each has its own set of colour, physical, emotional and spiritual association. A healthy Chakra flow is usually in clock-wise direction and unhealthy one is recognized by anti-clockwise flow.

Steps to Balance your Chakras

  1. Sit on a chair or on the ground. Keep your pendulum in front of your Root Chakra and ask the pendulum “Is my root chakra blocked?” If it says “yes” then instruct the pendulum to move in counter-clockwise direction for releasing the blockages. After doing it for 2-4 minutes instruct it to “stop”. And then tell the pendulum to move in clockwise direction for restoring back the healthy flow for another 2-4 minutes.
  2. Progressively move upwards till you reach crown chakra.
  3. In areas of deep blockage, the Pendulum will start moving anti-clockwise without any instructions. Allow it to happen.
  4. Incase of balanced Chakras , you may choose to simply energize the Chakra by having the pendulum swing in Clockwise direction or skip the step entirely.
  5. Once you have finished balancing all your Chakras, keep the pendulum next to your heart and thank it for the service it has provided you and safely keep it in a box or a case.

Have Fun!

For beginners in the field of holistic healing, Crystal pendulum are great eye-openers to the realm of energy healing. Their sensitivity to human intuition makes them a great tool of divination and healing. I would love to hear from all those who make use of the information presented here.

Love and light to all!

Conversations with a Young Widow

My recent experience with a young widow on the streets of Delhi, left me with much to think about fragility of life.

Life is a continuous stream of experiences. Like a string of beads it holds all our defining moments firmly on the thread of faith. More the number of experiences, the longer and lovelier is the necklace. The universe has been generous in stringing my life with some of the most striking colors of happiness and sadness, depression and hope, mistakes and learning; and all of them I revere.

Here, I would like to share one such pearl of wisdom which I received recently on the eve of Karva Chauth. I hope this simple yet thought-provoking story widens your perspective towards your own life.

karva Chauth
Source: NDTV. Married women performing rituals on Karva Chauth.

Karva Chauth is a widely practiced festivity in northern India wherein the married women fast from sunrise to moon-rise for longevity of their husbands. Women usually adorn themselves in bright clothing and jewelry and decorate their hands with henna. The festival is one of the most awaited time of the year for most married women in northern India.


Recently, on the eve of Karva Chauth, I was heading to the market to get henna tattooed on my hands. Quickly glancing through designs being adorned on hands of other women, I went from one Henna Artists (1) to other in search of the one bidding the lowest price.

Henna Artists 

It was already 10.30 PM and the once bustling Khanna Market of Delhi, was now inhabiting a tired lot of Henna Artists and married women; both eager to head back home. On the dimly lit street of the market, the Henna Artists silently sat on their small stools, exhausted and empty stomach, getting rid of their last few clients of the day.


Without giving any preference to the craftsmanship, I choose an artist demanding the least amount. These three young girls sat next to a covered drainage with their supplies lying cautiously next to one of the girl, who seemed to control the show. As my turn came, I went to the boss lady and sat on her tiny stool. Positioning myself in angle of the street light, we both exchanged a meaningless smile. A flash of innocence twinkled in our eyes as her lips stretched across her weathered face.

I started making small talks in order to entice her into doing a good job on my hands. As she impatiently moved her henna cone, I could see from her work that she was in a hurry to leave. Teasingly I told her to not ruin my henna design on my first Karva Chauth, or my mother in law would have her head on a plate. She grinned and with a thoughtful pause said, “Didi (2), I have a 5 month old daughter at home. She hasn’t had my milk since afternoon. That’s why I’m in a hurry to go home.”

I asked, “If you are here doing working at 11 PM, then who is taking care of her?”

Sadly she said, “My mother is. My husband is no more and my in-laws have disowned me. So my widowed mother takes care of me and my daughter. This is the first time she agreed for me to leave home for work. Otherwise I have to stay with my child, all alone till she returns.”

Saddened at her plight, I continued my conversations, “How far have you studied?”

Proudly she said, “Till 10th class, Didi. I can write well in English and I also know how to do bank related work.” I appreciated her for having completed her studies, a great feat of accomplishment for females with her background.

I suggested her to pursue a Beautician’s course, as she already had experience as a Henna Artists. Enthusiastically she replied, “Yes Didi. I already know the work of a beautician! I learnt it before my marriage.”

“Very good! Why don’t you pick 4-5 people in your nearby locality and provide them with home-service? You can do it on a Saturday or Sunday for 3-4 hours. It will be your mother’s off and you would also get the entire week to be with your little one.” I suggested.

To which she said, “Didi, my mother doesn’t allow. She says when she retires only then will she permit me to work. Since I am just 20, I don’t know much about outside world, so she fears that I might end up harming myself.”

“Hmm, But do you wish to work?”, I questioned one last time.

“Yes Didi. But then . . .”, dejectedly she ended her sentence midway.

With her head bowed down, she continued decorating my hands. Controlling my tears, I sat contemplating over the contrast in my situation and that of the young widow. The few silent moments that remained, I forgot about the hurried work she had done on my hands. Overwhelmed and humbled, I gave her her money and left her in the lowly lit street.

Life is one of the greatest teachers of all time. Our reason to be here on earth is to experience the learning of this great teacher. Every moment it is offering us a perennial supply of wisdom. And some of its greatest teachings are in form of bitter medicine; bad to swallow but good for self.

My conversation with this young widow has been one such bitter reminder of life. Often we get attached to the superficial glory of festivals and turn a blind eye towards the underlying intention behind them. Dressing and decorating ourselves and our houses, we forget to enrich our souls. While we superstitiously follow rituals, we forget that these rituals are a means to stirring our spirits and warming our hearts towards self and others. Building a sense of acceptance and connection towards each other, by sacrificing our ego’s at the altar of love, festivals drive us towards a life of togetherness.

Let us remember that life can take a dangerous turn any moment. And each festival should be a gentle reminder of the fragility of our life and relations. So let’s not shape festivals around limited view of rituals and decorations but an expansive view of love and togetherness.

May love and light fill your days!

Until next time.

Image Source: NDTV

Note 1: In India, Mehendi waalas or Henna Artists are usually an uneducated and economically poor lot, that takes benefit of the time around festivals to earn a living by making henna tattoos.

Note 2: A Hindi word for elder sister.

King and His 4 Wives: An Insightful Old Tibetan Story

Long ago in the beautiful land of Tibet, there lived an old king with his four wives. He was dearly fond of his fourth wife. He would lavish her with finest clothing and expensive jewelries. He proudly showed her off to the entire kingdom and its neighbors. However, the King lived in fear that her wife would leave her anytime. Insecure, he fulfilled all her wishes even before she raised a demand.

The King had great confidence in his third wife. She would assist him in managing kingdom’s financial and property related matters. He would always have her by his side in important meetings as an advisory.

The king’s second wife, use to take care of the entire palace and managed all the affairs of the palace and everyone living in it. The King kept her with him when any dignitary or royal official came to visit him. He dearly respected his second wife and loved her as well.

His fourth wife lurked the rooms of palace like a shadow. The King did not have any attachment towards her. Frail and unkept, she never complained to anyone and lived a modest and an invisible life.

One day, the king fell ill and the truth dawned that his life was soon to end. He thought of the luxurious life he had led and feared being alone at the time of his death.

He asked his fourth wife, “I have loved you the most, endowed you with the finest clothing, showered gifts upon you and taken great care of you. Now that I’m dying, will you follow me and keep me company at the time of my death?” “No way!” she replied and briskly walked away without another word.

The sad king then asked the third wife, “I have loved you all my life. Now that I’m dying, will you follow me and keep me company? ” “No!” she replied. “Life is too good and comfortable here! When you die, I’m going to remarry someone else!”

He then asked the second wife, “I have always turned to you for help and you’ve always been there for me. When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?” “I’m sorry, I can’t help you out this time!” she replied. “At the very most, I can help with your funeral and all arrangements related to it.”

Helpless and hopeless the King had given up when suddenly a voice called out to the king; “I’ll leave with you and follow you no matter where you go.” The king looked up and there was his first wife. She looked so fragile and undernourished. Guilt took over the King, and he said “I should have taken much better care of you when I had the chance!” Compassionately, the first wife held her husband’s hand as they both welcomed death.


In truth, we all have four wives in our lives. Our fourth wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we devote in making it look attractive, it will leave us in a blink when we die. It will be burnt, buried or chopped-up, to be consumed by the earth to eventually leave no trace of it.

Our third wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, it will be either sold or divided for others to keep. All the effort that we had invested in possessing them will not matter once we die.

Our second wife is our family and friends. No matter how much they have supported and loved us, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the burial site. And after that, they will continue to their own journey, gradually forgetting about your existence.

Our first wife is our soul, often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the ego. However, our soul, the blueprint of our existence, is the only thing that will follow us wherever we go.


While a healthy body, supportive family and friends, and material possessions are necessary for leading a stable and comfortable life. However, none of these are as important as nourishment of our Soul. Our soul is our innermost essence, imperishable and eternal.  Our soul is the inner voice which questions the wrong, answers our doubts, and stands with us in all your life challenges. It is your true self. In an age of emotional dark-age when we have disconnected ourselves with our inner voice, nourishing and listening to our inner-self will assist you in smoothly sailing through life’s challenges. Your Soul carries depth of wisdom and nourishing it with meaningful experiences will benefit you in your journey as an eternal being. So feed it, care for it, and love it.

Divine Embrace!

Declaring My Life Purpose !!!

Where It All Began

My journey into the realm of spirituality started at a young of 13. The initial days hadn’t been a cozy period of awakening or inner peace. In fact the period was marked by continuous episodes of hallucinations, hearing voices, social withdrawal, and anxiety. It was like being kicked into your stomach while you are into a deep comfortable sleep. The pain was unimaginable and confusing. For the next 2 years I fought my overactive imagination all alone, trying to numb the truth I saw under a cloak of mental instability.

Little did I know that those two years were foundation to me coming in touch with beings of higher frequencies and basics of esoteric knowledge. I am still no expert or psychic, however I do consider myself totally aligned to my life purpose of being a healer and I thank those early years of awakening for it.

The Point of Change

In recent months it had become clear in my head that I did not wish to work in corporate offices anymore. The meaninglessness of the work and dissociation with our true selves was getting on to my nerves. I was turning into something far from that curious girl of 13. My marriage came to as a life changing event specifically in context of my spiritual journey.


Before my marriage, due to financial troubles, I had to continue working in order to be able to support my family. And the survival instinct, which I had developed early on as a child with an unstable environment, retarded my spiritual growth. Having experienced a different realm of consciousness as a teenager had changed my perception about life to such a degree that now having most material acquisitions also kept me unhappy and aimless as a youngster.

However, after my marriage, I did not have an obligation to keep working for the sake of earning money. And this freed me mentally and practically to get in touch with my true purpose. For the next 4 months I pushed myself mentally to get to the roots of the things. And eventually I made a decision to be a Holistic Spiritual Healer (I shall share my thought process in one of my future blogs).


Cover page
Few of my predictive and healing tools


I have begun my study as a healer. And believe me there is no standard curriculum for a spiritual healer. Yes you can learn various esoteric methods like reiki, however, that does not make you a “holistic” spiritual healer.

To be honest, the “holistic” part of spiritual healing is as dynamic and broad, as the depths of your consciousness. One needs to experiment with a number of divination methods continuously to be able to keep abreast with varying healing challenges.

But the foremost step in Spiritual Healing is to heal your own self. One cannot empathize with challenges of a client if one hasn’t first-handedly experienced the growing pains of spiritual awakening.

Even after 14 years of being on path of spirituality, I find myself to be as novice as ever. I consider this as a blessing, for “learning” cannot come to those who consider themselves to know-it-all. With blessings of Archangel Gabriel, my dearest guardian angel, I continue my journey with courage in my heart and acceptance towards myself and others.

I sincerely hope to keep chronicling my spiritual journey with the world from this day on.

Love and light to all!


Sonder; Everyone,everything has a story waiting to to be understood,if not told.


"Everything alters me, but nothing changes me."


''Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.'' Benjamin Franklin


Become Your Greatest Version