Declaring My Life Purpose !!!

Where It All Began

My journey into the realm of spirituality started at a young of 13. The initial days hadn’t been a cozy period of awakening or inner peace. In fact the period was marked by continuous episodes of hallucinations, hearing voices, social withdrawal, and anxiety. It was like being kicked into your stomach while you are into a deep comfortable sleep. The pain was unimaginable and confusing. For the next 2 years I fought my overactive imagination all alone, trying to numb the truth I saw under a cloak of mental instability.

Little did I know that those two years were foundation to me coming in touch with beings of higher frequencies and basics of esoteric knowledge. I am still no expert or psychic, however I do consider myself totally aligned to my life purpose of being a healer and I thank those early years of awakening for it.

The Point of Change

In recent months it had become clear in my head that I did not wish to work in corporate offices anymore. The meaninglessness of the work and dissociation with our true selves was getting on to my nerves. I was turning into something far from that curious girl of 13. My marriage came to as a life changing event specifically in context of my spiritual journey.


Before my marriage, due to financial troubles, I had to continue working in order to be able to support my family. And the survival instinct, which I had developed early on as a child with an unstable environment, retarded my spiritual growth. Having experienced a different realm of consciousness as a teenager had changed my perception about life to such a degree that now having most material acquisitions also kept me unhappy and aimless as a youngster.

However, after my marriage, I did not have an obligation to keep working for the sake of earning money. And this freed me mentally and practically to get in touch with my true purpose. For the next 4 months I pushed myself mentally to get to the roots of the things. And eventually I made a decision to be a Holistic Spiritual Healer (I shall share my thought process in one of my future blogs).


Cover page
Few of my predictive and healing tools


I have begun my study as a healer. And believe me there is no standard curriculum for a spiritual healer. Yes you can learn various esoteric methods like reiki, however, that does not make you a “holistic” spiritual healer.

To be honest, the “holistic” part of spiritual healing is as dynamic and broad, as the depths of your consciousness. One needs to experiment with a number of divination methods continuously to be able to keep abreast with varying healing challenges.

But the foremost step in Spiritual Healing is to heal your own self. One cannot empathize with challenges of a client if one hasn’t first-handedly experienced the growing pains of spiritual awakening.

Even after 14 years of being on path of spirituality, I find myself to be as novice as ever. I consider this as a blessing, for “learning” cannot come to those who consider themselves to know-it-all. With blessings of Archangel Gabriel, my dearest guardian angel, I continue my journey with courage in my heart and acceptance towards myself and others.

I sincerely hope to keep chronicling my spiritual journey with the world from this day on.

Love and light to all!


Sonder; Everyone,everything has a story waiting to to be understood,if not told.


"Everything alters me, but nothing changes me."


''Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.'' Benjamin Franklin


Become Your Greatest Version